Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some changes

After further consideration, I am replacing the idea of jacob's ladder on the backside of the outfit with something else.

The jacob's ladder would have looked impressive but it had some major issues. First and biggest was safety. The jacob's ladder can be very dangerous. With its location being somewhat close to my heart, just not worth the risk. I am sure I could have properly set it up but just not worth it. Also, powering the ladder off of a battery would have been difficult. Even a 12volt lantern battery (those heavy square ones) could not have powered it more than half an hour or so. I could have reduced its cycle time to get more life but an unpowered jacob's ladder just looks like two pieces of metal.

What I am going to do instead is use some of Tesla's inventions to produce a sparking style ladder. The basis of it is going to be something like this video. The video was taken from Please note that each popping noise is a spark. The video didn't always catch the spark so it is more active than what this video is showing.

I think if I get 12 of these down the middle of the back, it should look pretty impressive, especially when combined with the noise.

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